Anunt selectie

Jan 2023


Se corectează eroarea materială privind termenul de transmitere a candidaturilor selectie trainer. Data limită este: 10.01.2023

SC MEDIA ONE SRL, Partener 1 în cadrul proiectului “Teatrul, o nouă normalitate #REINVENTARE, selectează trainer în vederea susținerii unui curs de instruire customizat pentru personal producție teatrală.

Cerințe: studii de specialitate de lungă durată, autorizație CNFPA de formator/similar

Competențe: bune abilități de comunicare, experiență similară relevantă

Candidaturile (cv însoțit de documente suport) se transmit pe adresele până la data de 31.01.2023.


Apr 2022

Ca urmare a derulării procedurilor de selecție specifice de către Promotorul de Proiect, Teatrul Nottara (

SC MEDIA ONE SRL, Partener 1 în cadrul proiectului “Teatrul, o nouă normalitate #REINVENTARE, selectează scenariști” în vederea adaptării pentru spectacole de scenă a operelor literare: “Enigma Otiliei” și “Moara cu noroc”,

Cerințe: studii de specialitate de lungă durată absolvite cu diplomă de licență (filologie/scenaristica/comunicare/arta/similar);

Competențe: capacitate de lucru în echipă, bune abilități de comunicare, bună cunoaștere a limbii engleze;

Candidaturile (cv însoțit de documente suport) se transmit pe adresele până la data de 20.04.2022.


Dec 2021

SC MEDIA ONE SRL, Partener 1, angajează expert sociolog în cadrul proiectului “Teatrul, o nouă normalitate #REINVENTARE”.

Cerințe: studii de specialitate de lungă durată absolvite cu diplomă de licență;

Experiență specifică: minim 3 ani

Competențe: bună cunoaștere a limbii engleze; capacitate de lucru în echipă, bune abilități de comunicare.

Candidaturile (cv însoțit de documente suport) se pot transmite pe adresele până la data de 04.01.2022.

SERVICE PURCHASE FOR ORGANIZING EVENTS within project “Alternative for Social Support Inspiring Transformation — ASSIST”

Mar 2019

REF: submitting tender for the purchase of services: organizing events

Project: “Alternative for Social Support Inspiring Transformation — ASSIST” – 785710

Beneficiary: SC MEDIA ONE SRL, Project Partener, adress: Romania, Bucharest, 5 Nicolae Iorga street, district 1.

Description of services required:
SC Media One SRL wishes to purchase services for organizing events within project “Alternative for Social Support Inspiring Transformation — ASSIST” – 785710

Duration of services provided: April 2019 – February 2020

Estimated value: 115.984 euros (the equivalent of 541.564,09 lei) excluding VAT

Date and time for submission of tender: 21.03.2019, 17:00

Address for submission of offers: Romania, Bucharest, 5 Nicolae Iorga street, floor 4, district 1.

Documentation for tenderers: tender documentation is available upon request for any delivered by email at: or at fax no: +40.21.315.05.16.


May 2018

“ALTERNATIVES FOR SOCIAL SUPPORT INSPIRING TRANSFORMATION — ASSIST”is a project cofinanced by the European Commission through the REC program and contracted by DG Justice and Employment. The project leader is the General Direction of Social Assistance and Child Protection Argeș.

From the position as project partner, Media One coordinated the organization of the project launch conference in Pitești, Argeș, insuring the information and promotional kits for the participants, thus contributing to the dissemination of relevant information about the project scope and objectives: supporting specialists improve operational procedures by identifying good practice models in EU countries and providing training to GDSACPs staff as to facilitate the socio-professional integration of children and young people leaving the care system.

More information:

Manual of procedures ASSIST

Comparative study on best practices ASSIST

Europe Day and 10 years since Romania’s accession to the EU, celebrated by an event dedicated to creativity

May 2017

Media One organized on the 8th of May the event “Europe Day 2017”, part of the “Europe in my region” campaign which was organized this year in all of EU member states. The evening started with a recital by Canticum Bucharest Ensemble choir, followed by a vibrant interpretation of the “Ode of joy” (Oda Bucuriei), and culminated with the concert of the famous cellist Adrian Naidin.

Throughout the duration of the event hosted by the National Theater “I.L. Caragiale “in Bucharest, Studio Hall, the facade of the building presented to the great audience a spectacular video mapping show designed by the artists from Aural Eye, which combined symbolic visual elements with originality and celebrated the 10 years since Romania’s accession to the European space.

Read more here.

Media One Begins Implementation of the Public Awareness Campaign Fighting Corruption in N.A.F.A.

Sep 2016

Media One will implement the awareness campaign part of the project “Increasing integrity within NAFA through institutional cooperation and capacity building”, initiated by the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (N.A.F.A.)- General Directorate for Integrity and financed under the Norwegian Grants 2009 – 2014 scheme.
The campaign will unfold by 31/12/2016, with the target to raise awareness of taxpayers on negative consequences of corruption, as well as to increase integrity within the personnel of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration.
Media One will deliver creation and production of audio-video, information and promotional materials, as well as media placement on the main radio stations, websites and newspapers with national coverage.

“Music With a View”

Apr 2016

Media One supports BalconyTv Bucharest’s initiative to rise live music, on rooftops. BalconyTv Bucharest is an online, international platform, started in 2006 in Dublin (Ireland). The projects has expanded to more than 60 cities worldwide.

More information about the project are available here.

Interview to Adevarul newspaper

Jan 2016

Mihail Sebastian Arghiropol, general manager of Media One, gave an interview to online newspaper, where he revealed some advertising secrets.

Read the interview here